Monday, September 15, 2008

Winner/Loser: Katie Holmes

Sometimes even good people make bad decisions. This week, we are going to give Katie Holmes the benefit of the doubt. As you can see here, she clearly knows what jeans should look like.

Not only are these a modern, low-waisted cut, but they have the wide legs that make her casually slouchy without adding weight to her tiny frame.

This look is just plain adorable. The all black ensemble with jeans and boots adds sophistication to a look desperate housewives all over the US choose every day. Extremely MILF-y.

This, on the other hand, is a fashion nightmare. Did Tom take the stylist back to LA with him? I think I wore an outfit just like this to a New Kids on the Block concert in eighth grade. Ill fitted t-shirt + baggy, pegged jeans = street performer. The hat is perfectly for tossing your spare change into as you walk by without a second glance.

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